Q: What type of insurance license is needed to offer Medicare plans in Georgia?
To sell Medicare in Georgia You will need an Accident and Health License.
To quality as a Georgia resident insurance producer, you must:
Be 18 years old
Pass any necessary examination- $120
You’ll also need to be fingerprinted.
Submit an application and pay the $100 fee plus $20 processing fee
For more information you can visit the Georgia BOI : Agent Licensing & Renewals | Georgia Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner
Q: What are the Licensing Steps in Georgia?
Step 1: Complete a prelicensing course that has been approved by the Department of Insurance. We recommend using ExamFX. Once you have completed your course, ExamFX will issue a certificate of completion which you may download and print from your online ExamFX account.
Step 2: Schedule your exam with your state’s testing provider, Pearson VUE. The fastest way to schedule your exam is to do so online at Pearson VUE. You can also schedule your exam over the phone at (800) 274-0488. Your examination fee is $120.
To change or cancel your testing appointment, you must contact Pearson VUE at least 48 hours in advance or forfeit the examination fee.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you register for ExamFX prelicensing courses, schedule your license exam, and/or apply for your license it is important to use the same name that appears on the identification forms you plan to present at the time of your testing appointment.
Step 3: Take and pass your state licensing exam. On the day of your appointment you must bring with you two valid forms of government issued identification (driver’s license, passport, military I.D., etc.) one of which must contain your name and photograph and both of which must contain a valid signature. It is highly recommended that you also bring your certificate of completion, printed from your ExamFX online account. You will not be able to take your exam if these requirements are not met.
You will receive a score report that is marked “pass” or “fail.” If you pass your exam the score report will include license application directions. If you fail your exam you will receive a score report that includes the numeric score and diagnostic information.
Step 4: Apply for your license. Georgia resident applicants must use the online application service at SIRCON. Your application fee is $120. Licensing applications must include a citizenship affidavit (GID-276-EN), fingerprinting information, and a completed Resident Insurance License Application (Form GID-103-AL). Other forms or information may be required and is dependent on the line of authority you are seeking licensure for. Required forms, additional licensure information, and fingerprinting process procedures may be found at www.oci.ga.gov. You must apply for a license prior to registering to be fingerprinted. Once the license application has been submitted, visit GBI to register to be fingerprinted. You will receive a registration approval email from GBI. Take your approval message with you to a fingerprint site and they will take your fingerprints.
Fingerprinting Fee $53
Step 5: Maintain your license by being aware of your continuing education requirements. Most insurance licenses must be maintained by completing a certain number of credit hours of continuing education each licensing period. ExamFX offers continuing education courses that will help you comply with your state’s requirements. Click here to view your state’s education rules and stay on top of your license.
After you pass your exam, you can apply for your license through NIPR: Georgia / Resident Licensing / Individual | NIPR. Application fee : $120
For more detailed steps you can go to : Get an Insurance Agent License | Georgia Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner
Q: How do I study for my health insurance license exam in Georgia?
Prelicensing courses should prepare you for the exam, but your state does not require those. You can find a lot of information for free online but we highly suggest you purchase a study course to help you pass. ExamFX created a chart to help people understand the different parts of the exam: Georgia Insurance Prelicensing State Requirements
Georgia Accident and Sickness Insurance Examination
100 Total Questions (80 scored, 20 pretest)
Time Limit: 120 minutes
Passing score: 70%
- Field Underwriting Procedures
- Other Insurance Concepts
- Types of Accident and Sickness Policies
- Health Policy Provisions, Clauses, and Riders
- Social Insurance
- Georgia Laws, Rules and Regulations Pertinent to Life and Accident & Sickness Insurance
Q: How do I schedule to take my health insurance exam in Georiga?
Georgia uses Pearson VUE for their examination process. You can sign up and make an appointment for your exam. You can do that here: Georgia Insurance (pearsonvue.com). Exam cost: $120
Q: Are there different parts to the health insurance exam?
There are 2 sections to each health license exam- General Knowledge and State law. Each section has multiple categories. ExamFX offers courses that cover all of the topics and their pass rate is 90%. You can also use the chart on their website to see what categories you need to study and how much of the test is focused on each category. For more info: Georgia Insurance Prelicensing State Requirements.
Georgia Accident and Sickness Insurance Examination
100 Total Questions (80 scored, 20 pretest)
Time Limit: 120 minutes
Passing score: 70%
- Field Underwriting Procedures
- Other Insurance Concepts
- Types of Accident and Sickness Policies
- Health Policy Provisions, Clauses, and Riders
- Social Insurance
- Georgia Laws, Rules and Regulations Pertinent to Life and Accident & Sickness Insurance
Q: How do I apply for a nonresident health insurance license in Georgia?
Nonresidents can apply for their Maine health license on NIPR: Georgia / Non-Resident Licensing / Individual | NIPR. This page also includes information about fees, lines or authority, and the rules and regulations for that state.
License Fee $120
Q: How do I renew my health insurance license in Georgia?
You will renew your license on NIPR, and pay a $105 renewal fee for Residents and Nonresidents. However, before you renew, you will have to complete 24 hours of Continued Education courses that have been verified by the state, 3 of which have to be about ethics.
Q: What do I do if my health insurance license has expired in Georgia?
You will still need to complete your Continuing Education courses, pay your renewal fee, and you will also have to pay a $115 late renewal fee. There are no license renewals allowed 15 – 18 days past license expiration date. The reinstatement window will begin 18 days after expiration date and will continue until one year past license expiration. Reinstatement fee- $130. After one year, you will have to retake the exam and reapply for your license.
Q: What do I do for Continuing Education to keep my health insurance license in Georgia?
Resident Licensees with less than 20 years of service – 24 hours; 3 hours must be in ethics. Resident Licensees with more than 20 years of service – 20 hours; 3 hours must be in ethics. You will need to complete these early in your renewal period so that you can avoid late fees. Your renewal period is 90 days before your license expiration date. Here is a link with available courses for CE in Georgia : Georgia Insurance Course Catalog | WebCE